Police find sleeping child abducted in van theft

Written By kolimtiga on Selasa, 08 Oktober 2013 | 21.08


CLEVELAND -- Cleveland Police located and safely returned a child to his mother after the child was abducted in a car theft overnight.

The child's mother stopped to visit a relative who lives at W. 30th Street and Seymour Avenue around midnight early Tuesday.

She left her sleeping child in the van when she went in to visit.

In the meantime, someone stole the car with the child inside.

A coordinated search effort helped police quickly find the van behind a house on W. 23rd Place with the child safe inside just before 1 a.m.

The child was returned to his mother.

No information about the people who stole the van has been released. It is not clear if the mother will face any charges.


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Police find sleeping child abducted in van theft

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