Where was Boston bombing suspect after attack?

Written By kolimtiga on Senin, 22 April 2013 | 21.08

The FBI released this image of the second Boston Marathon bombing suspect who is identified as 19-year-old Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev. Photo: FBI.

BOSTON -- We're learning more about what Boston bombings suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was doing in the days following the marathon explosions.

According to several people, he was hiding in plain sight on the campus of the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth.

A little more than 24 hours after video cameras captured him at the Boston Marathon, Tsarnaev jumped back into a life, seemingly unfazed, classmates say, by the terror attacks he's accused of committing.

"I saw him Tuesday the day after, at the gym, Zach Bettencourt says. "He seemed very nonchalant, he didn't seem like nervous or anything."

Tsarnaev worked out for a while and didn't shy away when Bettencourt brought up the bombing.

"I was basically like these things happen in other countries like Iraq or Afghanistan, and he was like 'Tragedies like this happen all the time and it's sad.'"

Just days before helicopters and SWAT teams descended on the school, Tsarnaev was reportedly seen all over campus.

Students have to swipe their ID to get into buildings, and records show Tsarnaev did just that.

Friends reportedly saw him walking around his dorm. They say he went to an Italian restaurant on Wednesday, hanging out with other intramural soccer players.

"I ate where he ate, I slept like a few feet away from him," one student said. "I've had class where he's had class, like with a terrorist."


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